
How to choose the right children's play equipment?

With the development of the children's playground industry, the variety of children's play equipment is also increasing. The choice of amusement park equipment is not necessarily a good thing, because it also increases the difficulty of equipment purchase. So how to choose a children's playground equipment? Is there any standard or skill?
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First, consumer positioning

First of all, we must conduct a market survey near the children's park, and get the proportion of children's age structure, etc., according to the survey results to select the appropriate children's play equipment. Children of different ages have different preferences for amusement equipment. For example, 0-2 years old can choose baby swimming pool, building blocks, albums and other amusement facilities suitable for children's physical and mental development; 3-6 years old children are suitable for naughty castles, climbing and other amusement equipment; 6-12 years old for Zhiyong Daxie adventure class play Equipment, etc.

When purchasing a children's playground equipment, the purchase is based on the proportion of the survey data. For example, if the number of children aged 3-6 is large, then buy more amusement equipment suitable for 3-6 years old, and there are fewer children's amusement machines at other ages. .

Second, investment funds

Before selecting a children's playground equipment, you must first evaluate your own funds, and purchase amusement equipment at different prices according to the funding situation. Investors with sufficient capital can choose large-scale amusement equipment with high prices. Inexpensive investors can choose small amusement equipment with relatively cheap price. In this way, there are more types of projects that can be purchased under the same funds.

Third, the site area considerations

Each type of amusement equipment is suitable for different venues. We need to select and match the appropriate amusement park equipment according to the size of the playground area of ​​the children's amusement park.

For example, children's simulation driving school, Million Ball Pool, Zhiyong Daguan and other large equipment are more suitable for a larger children's playground. Like manual DIY, parent-child baking, orbital racing playground facilities, it has a small footprint and is suitable for small children's amusement parks.

Fourth, the theme style

When selecting a children's playground equipment, determine the overall style of the children's playground, such as marine style, jungle style, ice and snow style, candy style, etc., and then select the matching color machine and other amusement machine equipment according to the style of the park.

Five, cost

When choosing a children's amusement park equipment, you must shop around, regardless of material, price, and appearance. It is essential to ensure the normal operation of the amusement equipment. If the customer has problems in riding your amusement equipment, it will definitely affect the mood of the customers. They will think that your products are not good, so they will lose some old customers. Therefore, in order to attract customers for a long time, it is necessary to let customers believe in your products.

Simply put, it is the same price of amusement equipment - https://bestonamusementrides.pk/, the more people can play, the higher the security, the better the look and feel. Cost-effective amusement park equipment can also save your investment.

