
What are the requirements for a trampoline park?

It is a brand chain enterprise specializing in indoor children's parks, trampoline parks and children's play.

The indoor trampoline paradise has become more and more popular among the public in recent years, and the development of the trampoline paradise has become more and more prosperous. Consumers are also very popular with the trampoline entertainment. Gradually, the trampoline paradise has become more and more open.

Want to build an indoor trampoline theme park, the choice of venue is the most important, is also a necessary condition for the success of the trampoline park. Want to open a trampoline theme park to meet the requirements of the venue? Do these 3 points to help you choose the right venue!
Image result for trampoline park

First, Research

The research is an extremely important part of opening an indoor trampoline paradise. Knowing ourselves and knowing the world can make a stable indoor trampoline park-https://bestonamusementrides.pk/trampoline-park-for-sale-in-pakistan/ at the right place and time. What are the main market surveys:

(1) Market analysis

1. Analysis of market demand and potential, including population size, economic level, income level, spending power, etc.;

2. Analysis of industry trends, survey the operation of cultural and recreational playgrounds in the target area to understand the development potential of the area. For example, electric game halls, bowling alleys, gymnasiums, etc.

3. Competitor analysis, whether there are competitors, park investors need to comprehensively consider to get the target area.

(2) Property evaluation

1. People flow test, customer ability comparison, visibility and convenience considerations, etc., in order to get the best position and reasonable choice.

2. Understand the market price, area division, engineering property supporting conditions and property quality, etc., according to the investment budget, choose the most cost-effective venue.

Second, site selection

1. Site location

Considering that the general trampoline is mainly for adolescents, the choice of venues is generally recommended to be close to schools, commercial centers, large supermarkets, gyms, comprehensive playgrounds and other places where young people are concentrated.

It is best to be located in the first to third floors of the mall. It is strictly prohibited to be located in underground shopping malls or in underground parking garages (unless it is an open underground shopping mall).

2. Convenient transportation, complete hardware facilities and suitable rent for the venue.

Third, the special requirements of the trampoline park on the site

(1) Requirements for the height of the trampoline park

For the children's venues, the net height of the venue needs to reach 4m, and the net height of the venue for adults should be more than 5m. We recommend a site with a net height of 5.2m or more, which is not subject to age restrictions, and some items that are more demanding are not restricted.

(2) Requirements for the ground and pillars of the site

The ground of the site needs to be level, well ventilated, and the columns are as small as possible.

(3) Requirements for site area

There is no definitive answer to the size requirements of the trampoline park, depending on what kind of positioning the investor has for the planned trampoline paradise, such as player object, venue size, etc.

If the main target age is 3-12 years old, the park venue can be around 300 square meters. If it is for all ages, it is recommended to be more than 600 square meters. This will maximize the customer experience and quickly generate profit.

(4), the trampoline park requirements for fire protection

a. The safety exit should be no less than two places. It is best to have an independent entrance and exit. When the shopping mall is a high-rise building, an independent entrance and exit must be set up. Fire exits shall not be placed with obstacles.

b. The electrical circuit must be laid in accordance with the requirements of the code. When the pipe is in place, when using high-power appliances, keep a sufficient distance from the combustibles.

c. Formulate practical and feasible emergency evacuation plans, and organize regular drills to keep the evacuation channels open. The site must have a safe passage from 1.5 to 1.8 meters.

d, equipped with fire equipment, including fire extinguishers, fire emergency lights and evacuation signs.

