
Is It Safe To Take A Child To An Indoor Play Area?

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In cities and large towns across the country there has begun to be an increase in the construction of the indoor play area. These areas provide people with a place to take their children to run, jump, and play, without their having to have an outdoor area.

Some people worry that the indoor play area may be a place for germs to harbor and multiply. They worry that when children go to these places they will pick up germs like the flu, the measles, chicken pox, and other contagions. The people that worry about these germs resist taking their kids to the indoor play area for fun. There is no reason to avoid these playgrounds with your children. They are probably more sterile, and germ free than the park where you take them to play.

Germs at an indoor play area VS an outdoor park
When you take your child to play at one of these playgrounds that are housed indoors you will be glad to know that they are maintained, and cleaned thoroughly. The owners and operators of these areas disinfect all of the playground equipment, they shampoo the carpeting with cleaners that kill germs, they mop the floor surfaces, and they use spray disinfectant to help control the spread of germs.

In outside parks there might be a grounds keeper that comes and empties the trash receptacles, and possibly comes to clean the bathroom facilities. There is not someone that comes to disinfect the slides or other playground equipment.

Children can play at these inside areas as long as they follow the rules. The owners do not allow children who are not dressed appropriately to play. When a child wants to play on the slides they will be required to have on pants that cover their bottoms and their legs, at least to the knees. This prevents children from coming into contact any human waste that might come from a diaper, or a bare bottom of another child.

Children are required to remove their shoes in the carpeted areas of the play area. Children must have on socks when they are in the area. They cannot play in just there bare feet. This prevents some of the germs that are carried in on the soles of shoes or the bottoms of feet.

At the outdoor park there is dirt on the ground that the children can pick up and put in their mouth. There are plants and bugs that the child can come into contact with and can be allergic to. You have to worry about what the children are coming into contact with that nature has put there, and what things they may come into contact with that men might have put there.

Outdoor parks do not have soft play areas that protect toddlers from being hurt when they fall. They do not have areas that protect the small children from the larger children, and they do not have guaranteed sanitary restrooms for the children and adults to use.

When you go to an indoor play area you will not be exposed to any more germs than when you go to an outdoor park. An indoor play area will actually be more sanitary than an outdoor park is. For more information click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8235812

